Baby Massage & Baby Yoga Benefits!
Guest Blog by Ashley Oates from Chilled beans - Baby massage baby yoga have been practised in the East for hundreds of years. Traditionally grandmothers would massage babies and often the mothers too. How great would that...
Pregnancy: The Second Trimester, Weeks 14 – 26
The second trimester is often known as the best part of pregnancy. You’ve probably made the announcement to friends and families – it’s all starting feel a bit more real!
Hypnobirthing – not just for home births!
Guest Blog by Rebecca Slater - My hypnobirthing experienced inspired me to become a practitioner When I found out I was pregnant in March 2015 I was over the moon but having had years of hearing people’s birth horror stories and the media portraying pregnancy...
Pregnancy: The First Trimester, Weeks 0 –13
You’ve just found out that your’re pregnant! How are you feeling? So what can you expect over the next few weeks as your body adjusts to being pregnant…
A Trip to Disneyland Paris!
A trip to Disneyland is the ultimate holiday for a lot of families , however with prices in excess of £7000 for the average family many opt for Disneyland Paris as an affordable option. Having spoken to my brother who has...
Spring is here??
Spring has Sprung! It’s officially spring and the arrival of the new season does put a ‘spring’ in your step! Here are our top 5 things to celebrate about spring: New Life Yes, we know that babies can be born at any time of the year, but spring is a time when new...
10 Post-birth Lifesavers
There are no two ways about it, when baby arrives you are thrown into parenthood right at the deep end. These ten things will definitely be a great help during those first few days and weeks as you find your parenting feet…
Where Are My Feet? Surviving the Later Stages of Pregnancy…
You’ve spent the last 7 or 8 months caressing your bump, watching it grow day by day, enjoying the first flutters and, later, the hiccups, somersaults and kicks. You’ve been religiously checking out the pregnancy books, websites and apps to see what stage baby’s at...
Heather & Dilan’s Birth Story
Key Facts Mums Name: Heather Babys Name: Dilan Birth weight: 8lb 15oz How long was your labour? 24 hours What pain relief did you use, if any? Gas and air The Story... Heather knew that she needed people she could trust and know would help her most during labour so...
Natalie & Lucie’s Birth Story
Key Facts Mums Name: Natalie Babys Name: Lucie Birth weight: 8 lb 13 How long was your labour? 7 hours What pain relief did you use, if any? Gas & air The Story... As this was Natalie's second baby she didn't attend any antenatal classes and knew that she wanted...