Key Facts

Mums Name: Maria
Babys Name: Joseph
Birth weight: 9lb 5oz
How long was your labour? Approximately 4 hours of established labour, around 12 from first contraction
What pain relief did you use, if any? Paracetamol, gas and air

The Story…

Maria’s calming, laid back and level headed partner was the one person she knew she wanted to be with her when she gave birth to her second baby. Of course she also thought ‘he should appreciate what it takes to bring children into the world!’ Following her physiotherapy and midwife led antental classes, she was feeling prepared for this birth. Her first birth had been as far away from ‘plan as possible’ so she was very open minded this time. Labour began on babys due date  – only about 6 hours late!! However this birth was exactly how Maria had planned her first to be! In Maria’s own words ‘It was probably as perfect as it gets. Shortish labour, minimal intervention, peace and quiet, birthing pool, one tiny tear and home 3 hours after birth.’ Of course being home so soon means that there are no secrets from Maria’s 2 year who shouts ‘BABY WANTS BOOBIES’ everytime Joseph makes a noise  – which can be a little embarrassing in public!

Maria’s advice to other Mums – Trust your body. I had a negative outlook and doubted my own endurance levels and pain threshold with my first labour because of the fear of unknown pain. I ended up accepting every possible painkilling drug as the control freak in me wanted to manage the pain medically… this only resulted in a long labour and foetal compromise. That chain of events was so mentally distressing for me, that I was willing to do anything to avoid being led down the same path. I tried to think positively and with each contraction thought ‘I got through that one, I’ll get through one more’ and before I knew it, it was time to push. The final pain that you dread and worry about for 9 months is actually so brief, and is favorable to the heartburn, back ache, sore ribs and other lovely aspects of pregnancy that have kept you awake and uncomfortable for what seems like forever!!

Maria’s advice to other mums to be – Stay open minded, try to find the positives in any situation, even if it’s not plan A. And say goodbye to lifelong body worries, childbirth is a fabulous cure for self consciousness!

Maria’s partners advice to other birth partners – Urge your partner to use the pool if it’s available.

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