Key Facts:
Mothers Name: Kirsty
Babys Name: Eddison
Birth weight: 8lb 12oz
How long was your labour? 16hrs
What pain relief did you use, if any?Gas and air
The Story…
Eddison was Kirsty’s second child so she didn’t attend any antenatal classes but refreshed her memory by reading magazines and chatting with friends. Her husband, Oliver is the only person who understands her and will forgive her worst moments so was the perfect choice of birth partner. In preparation they discussed the birth together so that he know what Kirsty’s wishes were but he was also very open minded to see what happens and how labour progressed. A day after his due date Eddison entered the world with a big splash! Kirsy’s waters didn’t just break they exploded when she was 9cm and covered the floor where Oliver and the midwife were stood with socks on! There were some soggy feet!
Kirsty’s advice to other mums to be – Try not to think too much about the labour just make sure you discuss with your birthing partner your thoughts. It’s a messy process during and after labour, take plenty of supplies. Try to remember mentally and physically you have and are going to be doing an amazing thing…well done.
Oliver’s advice to other birth partners – Only give two fingers to squeeze rather than the whole hand. As the labour progresses you need to stay strong and in control. Make sure you stay hydrated and eat.