Key Facts
Mums Name: Aoife
Babys Name: Thomas
Birth weight: 9lb 9oz
How long was your labour? 23 hours
What pain relief did you use, if any? I needed an epidural after 7 hours on the induction drip- I couldn’t take any more!
The Story…
Aoife attended NCT antenatal classes and found these great, for not only preparing her for labour but she has also gained a lovely group of friends who she meets with for coffee each week. With her husband by her side, Aoife planned a calm pool delivery with gas and air if needed and relaxing music playing in the background. Thomas obviously hadn’t read the plan and arrived a day early following induction as Aoife’s waters had broken. After an emergency caesarean they had to stay in hospital for a week to ensure that both Aoife and Thomas were well before going home. This meant that they had lots of help with breastfeeding which was great and Aoife said ‘He’s worth it!!’
Aoife’s advice to other Mums – Go to NCT classes; Make a birth plan but be prepared for things to go not at all according to your plan!!
Alex’s advice to other birth partners – the NCT classes were useful as well as the tour of the labour ward.