Newborn photography session with the beautiful Rose
Welcome to the world gorgeous Rose!! Born 18th May 2016 at 1.20pm weighing 9lb 6oz. I had the pleasure of photographing Rose in my natural light home studio with her mummy, daddy and big sister when she was just 13 days new. So much hair and beautiful eyes this little...Pregnancy: Recovery After Birth
You’ve been to all the pre-natal classes, you’ve done the reading, talked to the experts – you feel pretty well prepared for the main event (or at least as well prepared as you can be!). But, what about what happens afterwards? Your main focus has been on pregnancy,...Pregnancy: The Third Trimester, Weeks 27 – 40
So this is it, the final furlong. As your bump grows day by day your pregnancy finally feels very real – there’s definitely a baby in there preparing to make its entrance into the world! There’s no denying it – the third trimester is an uncomfortable one!