by Kay Oliver | Jul 29, 2016 | Birth Stories, Blog, Newborn |
Key Facts: Mums Name: Beth Babys Name: Lily Birth weight: 8lb 2oz How long was your labour? 5 hours. What pain relief did you use, if any? Gas and air. The Story… Beth didn’t attend any antenal classes, however she did have a simple birth plan that...
by Kay Oliver | Jul 26, 2016 | Birth Stories, Blog, Newborn, Pregnancy tips |
Sophie Faith Banks was born in water at home on Monday 4 February 2013 at 5.50pm, weighing 8lb 7oz, this is the story of her amazing birth. I woke at around 3am on Monday 4 February and felt wet, I went to the bathroom and I believed my waters had gone. I tried to go...
by Kay Oliver | Jul 25, 2016 | Birth Stories, Blog, Newborn, Pregnancy tips |
Key Facts Mums Name: Lisa Babys Name: Jasper Birth weight: 8lb 1oz How long was your labour? 5 hours ( once in labour) What pain relief did you use, if any? None. The Story… Lisa attended NCT antenatal classes and despite writing a birth plan didn’t look...
by Kay Oliver | Jun 23, 2016 | Birth Stories, Blog, Maternity, Newborn |
Guest Blog by Rebecca Slater – My hypnobirthing experienced inspired me to become a practitioner When I found out I was pregnant in March 2015 I was over the moon but having had years of hearing people’s birth horror stories and the media portraying...