Pain Relief during Labour
One question on every first time mum’s lips prior to birth is ‘How much will it hurt?’ Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer! It’s certainly worth being aware of your pain relief options though to read on to find out more.
One question on every first time mum’s lips prior to birth is ‘How much will it hurt?’ Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer! It’s certainly worth being aware of your pain relief options though to read on to find out more.
Maternity leave can be a precious time – it’s your opportunity to enjoy every moment with your new bundle. Whatever you choose to do, it’s important to be clued up on your rights and your employer’s requirements in relation to your maternity leave.
It’s the New Year and traditionally a time when thoughts turn to exercising. But, what if you’re pregnant? Can you keep up an existing exercise regime or take up a new one? Or do you put fitness on hold for the next nine months?
Announcing your pregnancy to friends and family is an exciting prospect. But how and when do you break the news?
Drum roll please…parenting website www.babycentre.co.uk has revealed the most popular UK baby names of 2016. Does your child’s name feature or are you thrilled that it doesn’t?
**Trigger warning – miscarriage** Losing a baby at any stage of pregnancy is utterly heartbreaking, and the pain of loss can feel overwhelming. As you deal with the feelings of grief, choosing when or whether to try again is a huge decision.
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